Code of Conduct Policy

Code of Conduct for Seminars/Trainings

During the duration of the seminar/training, you will be asked to follow the "Code of Conduct" for Kona University (Empowerment, Inc.). This Code is essential in order for us to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all those attending the seminar/training. Your Trainer or other Kona University Representative has the right to remove anyone, at any time, at his or her sole option, if he or she feels that the participant's actions are putting the success of the seminar/training in jeopardy. A participant may be removed for the following reasons, including, but not limited to:

  • Unwilling to respect the views and opinions of all those involved
  • Verbally abusive towards the Trainer or any other participant
  • Using excessive profanity
  • Misusing or stealing personal property
  • Defiant, harassing, or compromising the emotional safety of others
  • Not following the instructions of the Trainer
  • Using drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products during the seminar/training
  • Posing a danger, through misconduct or unsafe practices, to themselves or others
  • Engaging in inappropriate behavior or conduct of a sexual nature
  • Not willing to carry his/her responsibilities as a member of the group

Kona University (Empowerment, Inc.), in our sole discretion, will remove any participant from the seminar/training that is not willing to adhere to these and other applicable code of conduct guidelines. Any participant that must be removed from a seminar/training in progress for conduct issues will forfeit all fees paid to Kona University (Empowerment, Inc.), and will be solely responsible for his/her own lodging, food, and safety after they have been removed and shall not receive any refund of the fees paid.